
Strategy Consulting


Not enough time to dig into the toughest questions? Not enough market knowledge or data? You are not alone. If you just need to add to, or challenge your own thinking, then Augment Healthcare is here to help. Some of the toughest questions in developed or developing markets are often unresolved, but it does not have to be like that. Either direct consulting or an annual board advisory service is available for you, you just have to ask.

Operational performance


Do you understand what good operational performance looks like? Augment Healthcare understands what good operational performance is. Challenges of distribution in mature or nascent markets, of product efficacy or productivity of the operating model, we are here to get behind the numbers with you. Do you want help to manage risk, improve margin or reduce costs, then the challenge is accepted.



You see it is often just a quick question or a longer conversation that helps unlock the thinking that resolves problems. In healthcare a problem shared is a problem halved and Augment Healthcare has worked on board as well as investor advisory work. Partnering over the longer term to help problem solve or just a one off question.


Spreading your wings across borders is often one of the hardest and most complex projects to execute on. Augment Healthcare has experience of market entry into countries in Asia, Middle East, Europe and America. For insurance products or digital health businesses. From questions around business case justification to regulatory compliance to product fit, Augment Healthcare can help you with the challenge of starting out in another country.



We know from personal experience that this can be the most time consuming task for leaders of businesses. What you are fundraising for? When and how should you do it? These are questions we can help with. Fundraising while you are starting, building or running a business is super difficult, so why not let Augment Healthcare support you through it.

Product Development


From first idea, to prototype and then production, Augment Healthcare is here to help. Product Development life-cycle management is part of what we do. New product (including new market) is a speciality and one where we have the battle scars to say, been there, done it!